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The Land Commercialization Initiative (LCI) is a project spearheaded by the Government of Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), aimed at implementing large-scale agricultural commercialization by opening up underutilized state-owned land to the private sector. 

This initiative, operating under pillar four of the Agricultural Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASTGS 2019-2029) that aims to avail underutilized state-owned land for large-scale agricultural commercialization, is part of the broader strategy to boost national food production and agro-processing across multiple value chains.

Goal of the LCI​

To unlock – 50 large farms (<2,500 acres each) with – over *150,000 acres to be put under crop production in line with (ASTGS 2019 – 2029).

Impact Areas

Land productivity

Convert at least 500,000 acres of underutilized land into productive land

Agricultural investments

Attract Kshs. 65 billion in private investment

Food security

Enhance food production and reduce staple deficit by at least 50%

Job creation

Create 1.1 million jobs and promote value addition along key value chains

Land productivity

Convert at least 500,000 acres of underutilized land into productive land

Agricultural investments

Attract Kshs. 65 billion in private investment

Food security

Enhance food production and reduce staple deficit by at least 50%

Job creation

Create 1.1 million jobs and promote value addition along key value chains